
Hidden Heritage: The Studios of Artists from the Visegrad Group Online

The project, which will be implemented until 2025 by the Arton Foundation (Poland), Moravská galerie v Brně (Czech Republic,, Technická univerzita v Košiciach (Slovakia,, Trance Balance Kft (Hungary, addresses how many valuable artworks and important source materials created around 1960-1980 remain inaccessible to the public and researchers and are at risk of destruction.

This is especially true of the output of the generation of artists born during and just after World War II, who often created ephemeral works and paid little attention to their dissemination. Representatives of this generation largely focused on the creative process itself, often at the expense of commercializing their work or securing their works and archives, as a result of which many of them not only never appeared in the official discourse of art, but also failed to take care of their works and ensure their proper preservation. A negative consequence of this situation is the absence of many outstanding artists from the consciousness of art audiences and researchers.

At the same time, many valuable works, can still be found in the artists studios or their private apartments and homes, which often served as studios. It is these spaces that are of interest to the organizations jointly implementing the Hidden Heritage project. Through it, we would like to make such materials available to the public, we would like to define methods of caring for such resources, develop good practices for working with such materials among many types of cultural institutions and artists and their heirs.

Our goal is also to document private art studios as key places for the field and the cultural sector.

The project is co-financed by the Visegrad Fund

Visegrad Fund:
Hidden Heritage: The Studios of Artists from the Visegrad Group Online