6 meters before Paris - Eustachy Kossakowski
21st September- 24 October 2012 ( Freies Museum, Berlin)
23rd November 2012 – 15th January 2013 (Arton Foundation, Warsaw)
22nd May- 6th June 2013 ( „Czuły Barbarzyńca”, Cracow, during the Photo Fringe Festival )
The main series of Eustachy Kossakowski was made in 1971 and was exhibited in the Musée des Arts Decoratifs (Pavillon,Marsan, Musse du Louvre) and was a great success in France. Then it was presented in the Moderna Museet in Stockholm and the most important galleries and museums in Europe. Currently one of the editions can be found at the Museum Of Nicefore Niepce in Chalon-sur- Saône, the second edition is at the Musée Carnavalet in Paris. The work was often rated as original, because of the photographer’s single point of view of the 159 photographs.
Kossakowski has photographed all the signalling boards with the sign PARIS and they are situated 6 meters from the Paris boarder- the board in the middle of the photograph. According to accepted rules, the photographs of the surroundings were a coincidence. Paradoxically, the series „6 mètres avant Paris” happened to be a convincing, surprising reportage about Paris. After 40 years, photographs from this series make a priceless urban historical documentary of the 70’s. The exhibition will be the first presentation of the Berlin series and will be curated by Anka Ptaszkowska and Marika Kuźmicz.
The 21st September at 17.00 at the Berlin Bookshop WALTHERKÖNIG (An der Museumsinsel Burgstraße 27 • 10178), there was a meeting promoting the „6 Meters Before Paris” album released by the NOUS publishing house. It will be the second topic dedicated to photography in the history of the publishing house. The book contains reproductions of all the photographs and texts of Francois Barré, Gerard Wajcman, Cezary Wodziński, Adam Mazur and AnkaPtaszkowska that form Kossakowski’s photographic series.
The project was completed thanks to the help of the Polish-German cooperation Foundation.
Herausgegeben mit finanzieller Unterstützung der Stiftung fürdeutsch-polnische Zusammenarbeit
23rd November 2012 – 15th January 2013 (Arton Foundation, Warsaw)
22nd May- 6th June 2013 ( „Czuły Barbarzyńca”, Cracow, during the Photo Fringe Festival )
The main series of Eustachy Kossakowski was made in 1971 and was exhibited in the Musée des Arts Decoratifs (Pavillon,Marsan, Musse du Louvre) and was a great success in France. Then it was presented in the Moderna Museet in Stockholm and the most important galleries and museums in Europe. Currently one of the editions can be found at the Museum Of Nicefore Niepce in Chalon-sur- Saône, the second edition is at the Musée Carnavalet in Paris. The work was often rated as original, because of the photographer’s single point of view of the 159 photographs.
Kossakowski has photographed all the signalling boards with the sign PARIS and they are situated 6 meters from the Paris boarder- the board in the middle of the photograph. According to accepted rules, the photographs of the surroundings were a coincidence. Paradoxically, the series „6 mètres avant Paris” happened to be a convincing, surprising reportage about Paris. After 40 years, photographs from this series make a priceless urban historical documentary of the 70’s. The exhibition will be the first presentation of the Berlin series and will be curated by Anka Ptaszkowska and Marika Kuźmicz.
The 21st September at 17.00 at the Berlin Bookshop WALTHERKÖNIG (An der Museumsinsel Burgstraße 27 • 10178), there was a meeting promoting the „6 Meters Before Paris” album released by the NOUS publishing house. It will be the second topic dedicated to photography in the history of the publishing house. The book contains reproductions of all the photographs and texts of Francois Barré, Gerard Wajcman, Cezary Wodziński, Adam Mazur and AnkaPtaszkowska that form Kossakowski’s photographic series.
The project was completed thanks to the help of the Polish-German cooperation Foundation.
Herausgegeben mit finanzieller Unterstützung der Stiftung fürdeutsch-polnische Zusammenarbeit